The Influence of Generation Z on Marketing

Generation Z, more commonly referred to as Gen Z, is the demographic that comes after Millennials. They’re anyone who was born between 1997 and 2012. This generation is comprised of digital natives who have never known a world without the internet, social media, and smartphones. They’re also incredibly diverse — 52% of Gen Z individuals are part of a minority group. Gen Z is quickly taking over the workforce and is already significantly impacting the marketing world.

Gen Z has dramatically altered the way businesses have to promote their goods and services. Marketing used to be all about utilizing mass media to get as many people as possible aware of your message. But Gen Z isn’t watching traditional TV or reading ads in newspapers or magazines — they’re far more likely to discover new things through social media influencers than conventional marketing techniques.

This generation is extremely comfortable with technology. They’re quick to spot marketing ploys and are turned off by anything that feels inauthentic or too salesy. Businesses have to step up and be more creative and authentic in their marketing efforts if they want to reach this demographic.

Gen Z Is Influencing Purchasing Trends

Gen Z is a spending generation; they already make up 40% of consumers in 2022. Their spending is essential for business success. Brands are starting to focus on this group more and figure out what they want.

Some of the things that Gen Z looks for when purchasing items are:

  • Price
  • Sustainability
  • Ethical/fair trade production
  • Functionality/usefulness
  • Quality (rather than quantity)

To appeal to Gen Z, companies have to be more open about where their items come from and how they’re manufactured. They should also concentrate on producing goods that will last longer and be useful for customers.

Generation Z is also strongly engaged with causes. They’re prepared to spend their money on companies that support the same causes as they do. For example, if a company focuses on sustainability, Generation Z is more likely to buy from them even if the cost is a little higher than alternatives.

Businesses need to keep up with the latest trends and provide items that Generation Z is actively interested in. They’re constantly on the lookout for the newest and greatest technology and products. In light of this, businesses have to stay current with trends and offer goods that appeal to Generation Z.

How Does Gen Z Spend Money Differently From Previous Generations?

Gen Z isn’t afraid to spend money. They’re willing to spend their money on things they think are valuable. However, they also value their money and often compare prices to make sure they’re getting the best quality for the best deal.

One of the biggest differences between Gen Z and other generations is that Gen Z is more focused on experiences than material possessions. They’d rather spend money on experiences that create lasting memories.

Another difference is how much they are influenced by pop culture. With the rise of apps like Instagram and TikTok, Gen Z is constantly exposed to new trends, fashions, and products, so they purchase accordingly. They’re also usually very brand loyal and prefer to pay more for a brand that’s well-recognized and high-quality.

Not only that, but Gen Z’ers care deeply about social responsibility and sustainability. They want companies to help make the world a better place and are more willing to support those who do.


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How Can Businesses Attract Gen Z Consumers?

There are four specific things businesses can do to attract Gen Z consumers:

1. Be creative and unique with marketing campaigns

Generation Z is used to seeing traditional marketing methods, like TV ads and billboards, so they don’t even notice them anymore. You have to get creative. They’re not interested in seeing the same ads they’ve always seen.

2. Use social media platforms

Since this generation spends a lot of time on their phones, businesses need to be where they are — on social media. Platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok are some of the most frequently used among Gen Zers. If you want to reach this generation, you’ll need to have a solid and engaging social media presence.

3. Be authentic and transparent

Generation Z is more suspicious of businesses that don’t seem genuine. They are more likely to go for companies that are transparent and honest. Don’t try to hide anything from them — they’re good at their research so they’ll probably find out about it anyway. Be upfront about your business and what you do.

4. Be accepting and diverse

Different cultures and groups of people are deeply important to this generation. They care about inclusivity, diversity, and acceptance of everyone.

For companies that want to market to Gen Z, it’s important to be inclusive and represent the many cultures, identities, and lifestyles that make up this generation. They’ll notice if you don’t.

It may seem complicated, but it’s important to show this generation that you care about them and what they care about.

Risks Involved With Catering to the Spending Habits of Generation Z

There are a few risks involved with catering to the spending habits of Generation Z. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

Alienate Other Generations

One risk is that you could alienate other generations by catering too much to Gen Z. If you focus your marketing campaigns on social media platforms that are mainly popular with Gen Z but not with different age groups, you could end up excluding potential customers who don’t use those platforms.

You could also alienate other generations by making your marketing campaigns too informal. Gen Z is used to a much more relaxed advertising tone, but older generations may prefer a more traditional approach.

Unable To Keep Up With Rapidly Changing Trends

Another risk is that you may be unable to keep up with the ever-changing trends. Social media platforms and purchasing habits are constantly changing, making it difficult for businesses to keep up. You may invest a lot of time and money into a marketing campaign that’s no longer relevant the next week. This could lead your business to fall behind competitors who can adapt rapidly to changing trends.

Risk Offending Someone

As we mentioned earlier, Gen Z is the most diverse generation. This can be both a good and a bad thing for businesses. On one hand, it gives you a wider pool of potential customers to target. But on the other hand, it’s easy to offend someone when you’re trying to appeal to a wide range of people.

It’s important to be mindful of the various cultures and demographics represented within Generation Z. You don’t want to offend someone with your marketing campaigns inadvertently.

Too Transparent and Share Too Much Information

Generation Z has grown up in a world with readily available information always at their fingertips. The internet is a standard feature of their life, and they’re used to being able to look up anything they want within seconds.

Because of this, they’re very good at sniffing out inauthenticity. If you’re trying to misrepresent your brand, it’s only a matter of time before they find out. Be honest, and try to orient your business in a way that doesn’t make it necessary to hide information.

Catering too much to the spending habits of Generation Z can lead to a few risks, but as long as you are aware of them, you can avoid them. Remember to be creative, use social media, be authentic and transparent, and be accepting and diverse in your marketing campaigns.


Gen Z Is Changing Social Media Trends and Platforms

Generation Z is having a significant impact on social media trends and platforms. The most popular social media platforms for Gen Z are Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.


Snapchat is successful because it’s a visual platform that allows people to share photos and videos with friends. It’s seen as a more personal platform than others since it isn’t open to the general public like Facebook or Twitter.


Instagram is both a visual and a video platform, although it is more concerned with photos than videos. It’s popular among Generation Z since it allows them to edit their photos before uploading them.


Gen Z is attracted to YouTube because of the wide variety of video topics available. Many YouTubers are celebrities that they can follow and watch regularly. YouTube is also a good platform for how-to videos, which are often popular among Gen Zers.


TikTok is a video-sharing app that has become increasingly popular in the past two years. 60% of TikTok users are Gen Z, which appeals to the younger generation by allowing them to be creative and share short videos with others.

Gen Z frequently uses these social media sites and apps since they provide personal and visual interaction. In contrast, the more traditional platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, which are increasingly utilized by older generations, are less popular among this generation.

How Generation Z Uses Social Media

Gen Z has embraced social media like no other generation before them. They’re always connected, which has led to some interesting trends in social media usage.

They’re not afraid to use their voice and speak out about issues that matter to them. This is something that marketers need to take into consideration when targeting this generation. The generation is also very active on social media, which means they are constantly exposed to marketing messages.

Gen Z is very comfortable with sharing personal information online. This can be both good and bad for marketers. On the one hand, marketers can target this generation more effectively. On the other hand, it also means that this generation is more likely to be skeptical of marketing messages.

Overall, Gen Z is a vital target market for marketers. They are always connected, use their voice, and are comfortable sharing personal information. Marketers need to consider all of these factors when targeting this generation.

The Impact of Gen Z on Social Media Marketing

Gen Z is having a profound impact on the social media landscape. They’re rapidly changing how brands communicate on social media and are redefining social media.

Main ways that Gen Z is changing social media marketing:

  • More authentic content: Gen Z’ers are looking for authentic content. They are turned off by polished, perfect images and videos and prefer raw and honest content.
  • Greater emphasis on visual content: Since Gen Z is used to consuming content on Snapchat and Instagram, they are more likely to engage with visual content. Brands need to focus on creating visually appealing content that catches the eye.
  • More use of influencers: Generation Z is a very social bunch. They’re used to seeing their favorite celebrities endorsing products on Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. It’s no surprise that they respond well to influencer marketing.
  • Greater focus on community building: Generation Z is known for its focus on community building. This generation is all about connection and collaboration, so they’re drawn to brands that foster a sense of community. This desire for community extends beyond the online world — Gen Z’ers are also looking for ways to connect with others in their offline lives. They’re drawn to brands that facilitate or encourage offline community building, such as through events or meetups.
  • More user-generated content: This generation loves to see real people using products and services. They’re much more likely to trust a recommendation from a friend or peer than they are to trust a traditional ad. So brands need to focus on incorporating user-generated content into their marketing strategy.

Tips for Brands Looking To Reach Out to Gen Z on Social Media

Let’s take a look at some tips for brands that are looking to reach out to this generation on social media:

1. Use the social media platforms that Gen Z is using

Of course, the first step to reaching out to Gen Z on social media is to use the platforms that they are using. As we mentioned, this means being present on platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and YouTube. It’s also important to note that Gen Z is more likely to use social media for messaging than older generations, so brands should also consider investing in platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

2. Create authentic and relatable content

They want to see authentic content that they can relate to. Don’t try to be something that you’re not or that you think they want you to be. Be honest, and let your personality shine through.

3. Keep your messaging positive

Gen Z has grown up during difficult times. They don’t like negative messages. They want to see brands that have a positive attitude and are trying to make a change for the better. Make sure your messaging reflects this positive attitude.

4. Be responsive to Gen Z’s needs

This generation wants brands that are responsive to their needs. Whether it’s a new product or a customer service issue, they want to see that you’re listening and taking action.

5. Use influencers to reach Gen Z

Influencers are a highly effective method for attracting Gen Z. Because this generation places more trust in influencers than traditional advertising methods, use them in your marketing plan.

Gen Z Marketing: Relaxed and Diverse

Marketing to a diverse, relaxed generation is challenging. This generation is so diverse, not only because they grew up with a variety of other cultures, but because there are more Gen Zers that belong to underrepresented groups than any other generation. Gen Z is open-minded toward others regardless of race or gender and they have grown up in a globalized environment with increased connectivity and understanding.

But there’s an opportunity if you use the right strategies and technologies to connect with them where they are already comfortable! They are digital natives who have grown up surrounded by technology. They expect everything to be easily accessible and don’t waste their time on it if it’s not.

Generation Z is not willing to wait for slow websites or advertisements that don’t interest them. They’re used to customizing their experiences, so they expect brands to personalize their marketing efforts by being able to send targeted messages to them. Curated ads — something that make older generations uncomfortable — are a necessity for Gen Z.

Marketers must adapt their strategies if they want Gen Z consumers’ attention. This generation doesn’t care about traditional marketing techniques like TV ads or radio spots; instead, these young people look for brands that provide valuable content relevant specifically to them as individual people with unique interests and needs — not just what everyone else is doing at any given moment in time.

Less Formal Than Older Generations

Marketers should take note of one key difference between Gen Z and older generations: the informal language this generation uses. It can be challenging for marketers since they need to connect with Gen Z consumers without sounding like they’re trying too hard. Influencers provide a solution to this issue. Many young people see them as relatable and authentic voices online — something brands usually don’t have enough time for or resources available to do themselves.

Respond Well to Visual Content

Marketers should pay close attention to the type of content that is most engaging for Gen Z. This generation has grown up in an era where images and videos can be found everywhere, so it’s no surprise they want authenticity over perfection when listening or watching something visual. They also prefer short, easy-to-consume pieces to long articles, which may turn off some readers who have trouble reading longer texts at such fast speeds; however, this doesn’t mean marketers should avoid writing anything altogether.

Comfortable With Technology

Generation Z has grown up with technology and is used to it in all aspects of their lives. This comfort level means they are more likely than other generations to adopt new technologies quickly.

However, marketers should take note because this also makes Gen Z early adopters for newly launched products and services on compatible platforms like social media sites. They expect updates to be made quickly, or instantly, compared to company-wide releases which can take several weeks or even months.

The generation gap is a little smaller than you might think. While older generations tend to be more cautious about new technologies and platforms, Gen Z has no problem using Instagram or Snapchat. They’re the most active group on these sites! If your business doesn’t already have an account, then now’s a good time to start one with this popular demographic.

Gen Z Requires a Different Approach

Marketers have to take a new approach when targeting Generation Z. They’re more comfortable with technology, and their attention spans are shorter, so they need experience over content all day, every day of the week.

The days of traditional marketing techniques like print advertisements and TV commercials are gone. They still work to some degree but not as effectively as they did with older generations. Gen Zers want things sold to them from the platforms they’re on, without having to leave the house or interact with a salesman that they don’t trust. If you want to reach this generation, take time out from your daily operations to strategize about the best way for your company to reach this demographic.


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Generation Z exerts a profound influence on marketing. Their unique perspective and approach to life have led them into new purchasing trends, social media use, and business practices that previous generations don’t understand or appreciate for themselves.

In conclusion, it’s important not only to see what Gen-Zers prefer but also to consider other factors like technology preference when designing your product/service because every individual has his own set of preferences.

Marketing has always been a dynamic industry. With the next generation coming into their own and continuing to shape it, marketers need to be prepared for anything.

What will happen? Who knows. But one thing’s certain: being ahead of Gen Z can only help your business stay successful in this ever-changing world we live in today. Get ready by understanding what they want from brands when shopping and using social media.



Who is epIQ?

epIQ Creative Group is a digital marketing agency that specializes in accelerating sales and scaling revenue for businesses. With over a decade of experience, epIQ's expert team ensures your investment yields a substantial return, eliminating guesswork and saving you thousands through data-driven strategies. Our services encompass brand messaging, paid media advertising, inbound marketing, and creative content creation.

epIQ's proprietary systems have a proven track record, with clients experiencing 2x to 5x growth within 90 days. We are transparent and agile, providing you with progress reports, and direct access to growth marketers.

What sets epIQ apart is our flexibility and cost-effectiveness. We offer month-to-month contracts, a-la-carte services, and our team's expertise comes at a fraction of the cost of hiring in-house.

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