Unlocking Your Event’s Potential:

Proven Strategies for Skyrocketing Trade Show Attendance 


I. Introduction

In the dynamic landscape of marketing, trade shows have proven their value time and again. Despite the economic turbulence of recent years, a staggering 82% of marketing decision makers plan to maintain or increase their event spending over the next 12 months, affirming the crucial role of trade shows in driving business success​1​. Indeed, the energy, enthusiasm, and attendance at these events have surged, with smaller shows creating grander experiences and more business opportunities​1​. 

Even as the recovery continues, with attendance at approximately 75% of pre-pandemic levels, the outlook remains optimistic, with steady growth in convention attendance reported across the board​1​. As we delve into strategies to amplify your trade show attendance, it’s clear that the potential payoff is significant. Let’s explore how you can unlock this potential for your event. 

II. Crafting a Compelling Value Proposition

To create a compelling value proposition for your trade show, you need to articulate the unique benefits that attendees will gain. In a world filled with events, a compelling value proposition is your magnet that attracts attendees. 

Firstly, consider the influential nature of trade show attendees. An impressive 82% of attendees have buying authority, which signifies that trade shows are a viable platform for businesses to reach potential customers​1​. Moreover, about 82% of trade show attendees have the power to make or influence purchasing decisions​1​. This speaks volumes about the potential of trade shows in driving sales and fostering business relationships. 

Another important aspect is the allure of new products and services. A staggering 92% of trade show attendees attend to see new products and services, and 72% believe that attending trade shows will assist with their purchasing decisions​1​. These attendees spend an average of 8.3 hours exploring exhibits, demonstrating their engagement with the displays and eagerness to learn about what’s new and innovative​1​. 

Trade shows are also a crucial platform for businesses to generate leads and create brand awareness. In fact, 70% of businesses generate new leads and enhance their brand visibility when participating in trade shows​1​. It’s also noteworthy that 38% of event attendees visit the company’s website after the event, further driving brand awareness and building relationships with potential customers​1​. 

Face-to-face meetings at trade shows have proven to be highly effective, resulting in a 97% increase in the propensity to purchase. This highlights the immense value of in-person interactions in driving sales and growing businesses​1​. Furthermore, 79% of attendees state that their primary reason for attending a trade show is to evaluate products in-person and save time by meeting with multiple companies at once. This reflects how trade shows offer a comprehensive, efficient avenue for attendees to explore the market and make informed purchasing decisions​1​. 

Hybrid events, a blend of in-person and virtual elements, are also gaining popularity. Approximately 97% of marketers predict an increase in hybrid events for trade shows, providing more flexibility in how events are hosted and attended​1​. Moreover, 65% of planners wish to organize more hybrid events due to the broader audience reach, cost savings, easier planning, and improved attendee engagement they offer​1. 

Additionally, trade shows are an effective way for executive decision-makers to expand their supplier network, with 77% finding at least one new supplier at the last trade show they attended​1​. This statistic underscores the value of trade shows in discovering new opportunities and fostering business growth. 

Finally, showcasing your business at international trade shows can significantly increase your reach and exposure. In 2019, 55% of U.S. companies planned to exhibit at international trade shows, recognizing their value in reaching new markets and building relationships​1​. 

In summary, your value proposition should highlight the unique benefits attendees will gain from your event, such as exclusive insights, networking opportunities, and product showcases. Incorporate these advantages into your promotional efforts to make your trade show stand out and attract attendees. 

state of association marketing

III. Refreshing and Expanding Your Lead List 

In the age of digitalization, your leads list is akin to a gold mine. It’s an invaluable asset that, when effectively managed and utilized, can significantly drive your business growth. Keeping this list refreshed and continuously expanding it is crucial to ensuring your outreach efforts are as wide-ranging and effective as possible. 

A. Regularly Update Your Lead List

Your leads list is a dynamic entity, constantly evolving as new potential customers enter the marketplace, existing leads progress through the sales funnel, and others perhaps lose relevance. Regularly updating your list is therefore an essential task, ensuring it remains a relevant and useful tool for your business. 

  1. Identify Inactive Leads: A fundamental step in refreshing your list is to identify inactive leads. These could be individuals or businesses that are no longer engaging with your emails or other outreach efforts. Identifying and removing these leads from your list can help you maintain a more active, engaged audience. 
  2. Update Lead Information: It is also crucial to update the information you have for each lead. This could include changes in job title, location, or business focus. By maintaining up-to-date information, you can ensure your marketing efforts are targeted and personalized to each lead. 


B. Expand Your Lead List

A growing business needs a growing list of potential customers. Expanding your leads list is thus a vital task. There are numerous ways to do this, including the following: 

  1. Leverage Digital and AI Tools: Today, numerous advanced digital and artificial intelligence tools can help you identify new potential leads. These tools can analyze online behavior and demographic information to pinpoint individuals and businesses that are likely to be interested in your products or services. 
  2. Attend Trade Shows: Trade shows are a time-tested method for generating leads. As many as 70% of businesses generate new leads and create brand awareness when doing trade shows​1​. Additionally, with 82% of attendees at trade shows having buying authority, these events are a viable platform for businesses to reach potential customers​1​. 
  3. Use Hybrid Events: With 97% of marketers predicting an increase in hybrid events for trade shows and 65% of planners wanting to hold more hybrid events due to wider audience reach, cost saving, easier planning, and enhanced attendee engagement, virtual events are becoming increasingly popular as a supplement to in-person trade shows​1​. 
  4. Follow Up with Leads: Following up with leads collected at a trade show is crucial for maintaining engagement. In fact, 81% of exhibitors use email to follow up with leads collected at a trade show, demonstrating the importance of this tool for staying in contact with potential customers​1​. 

In conclusion, refreshing and expanding your leads list is a critical ongoing process in the digital age. By leveraging advanced tools and strategies, you can ensure that your list remains a valuable asset for your business, helping you reach a wider audience and drive growth. 


IV. Mastering Cold Outreach: A Step-by-Step Guide

Cold outreach is a powerful tool that, when executed effectively, can yield significant results and drive substantial attendance to your trade shows. This step-by-step guide will help you master the art of cold outreach and maximize its potential. 

  1. Acquire a Similar Domain: To avoid spam filters and maintain consistency with your brand, consider acquiring a domain similar to yours. This strategy can help ensure your emails reach their intended recipients and enhance your brand’s credibility.
  2. Use Cold Email Tools: With 81% of exhibitors using email to follow up with leads collected at a trade show, the importance of this communication channel is clear​1​. Use cold email tools to send personalized, targeted messages. These tools can help you manage your outreach campaigns effectively, track email open rates, and monitor responses.
  3. Highlight Your Event’s Value Proposition: With 92% of trade show attendees indicating their main reason for attending is to see new products and stay up-to-date with industry trends, it’s crucial to highlight your event’s value proposition in your outreach messages​1​. Communicate how attending your trade show can provide attendees with an opportunity to engage with new products and stay abreast of industry developments.
  4. Regularly Disseminate Engaging Content: Regularly disseminate engaging content through emails, blog posts, and social media to keep your event top-of-mind. As 38% of event attendees visit the company’s website after the event, the creation of engaging content can help drive web traffic and increase brand awareness​1​.
  5. Make Use of Face-to-Face Meetings: Face-to-face meetings at trade shows result in a 97% increase in propensity to purchase, making them an invaluable tool for maximizing return on investment from trade shows​1​. Encourage potential attendees in your outreach messages to take advantage of these face-to-face meetings at your event.
  6. Highlight the Opportunity to Evaluate Products In-Person: With 79% of attendees citing their primary reason for attending a trade show as wanting to evaluate products in-person and save time by meeting with several companies at once, it’s crucial to emphasize this in your cold outreach messages​1​.

It’s also important to note that the trade show industry is recovering and expanding, with increased enthusiasm and energy, despite recent economic hardships and the pandemic​2​. This continued growth underscores the effectiveness of trade shows as a platform for businesses to reach potential customers, generate new leads, and build their brand​1​. 

Please note that I was unable to find specific statistics related to cold outreach in the trade show industry, but the strategies and insights above should provide a comprehensive guide for mastering cold outreach for trade shows. 

V. The Power of Incentives

Incentives are a driving force in the trade show and exhibition industry, serving as significant motivators for attendance and engagement. Providing opportunities such as exclusive content, early bird benefits, and networking sessions with industry leaders, can dramatically increase interest in your event. 

Statistics highlight the potency of such incentives. For instance, 92% of trade show attendees attend these events to see new products and services, while 72% believe it will help with purchasing decisions​1​. Offering the chance to gain first-hand knowledge of new products can therefore be a compelling incentive. 

Equally, the opportunity to network is a powerful draw. About 82% of trade show attendees have the power to make or influence purchasing decisions​1​. Thus, providing networking opportunities with such individuals can be a significant incentive for many potential attendees. 

But incentives aren’t just about drawing attendees; they’re also about maximizing the value for exhibitors. For example, 81% of exhibitors use email to follow up with leads collected at a trade show​1​. By providing tools or opportunities to facilitate this follow-up, you can add significant value for exhibitors. 

It’s also worth considering the power of location as an incentive. Approximately 50% of the largest 200 trade shows in the United States occur in just three cities: Las Vegas, Chicago, and Orlando​1​. Choosing a popular location can thus be a powerful incentive in itself. 

In the context of hybrid events, which combine physical and virtual aspects, incentives can take different forms. 97% of marketers predict an increase in hybrid events for trade shows, and 65% of planners want to hold more hybrid events due to their wider audience reach, cost saving, easier planning, and enhanced attendee engagement​1​. Offering exclusive virtual content or virtual networking opportunities can therefore be an effective incentive in the current event landscape. 

Incentives are not limited to discounts, but rather focus on adding value that resonates with potential attendees. Whether it’s early access to new products, opportunities to network with industry decision-makers, facilitation of lead follow-up, or the allure of a popular location, effective incentives can significantly boost the success of a trade show or exhibition. 

VI. Conclusion

Boosting trade show attendance calls for a strategic approach that combines a compelling value proposition, keen attention to industry trends, and a deep understanding of attendees’ needs and expectations. 

Trade shows remain a potent platform for businesses to connect with potential customers and partners. With 82% of attendees at trade shows having buying authority, these events provide an invaluable opportunity for direct, meaningful engagement with key decision-makers​1​. Furthermore, face-to-face meetings at trade shows have been shown to result in a 97% increase in propensity to purchase, underscoring the power of personal interaction in influencing purchasing decisions​1​. 

The industry is also witnessing the continued rise of hybrid events, with 97% of marketers predicting an increase in this format for trade shows​1​. These hybrid events, combining in-person and virtual elements, offer increased flexibility and reach, accommodating the varying needs and preferences of today’s attendees. 

Trade shows are an effective platform for businesses to showcase new products and services, with 92% of trade show attendees citing this as their primary reason for attendance​1​. They also present an efficient way for attendees to evaluate products in-person, with 79% stating this as their primary reason for attending​1​. 

The significance of trade shows extends beyond the duration of the event itself. Post-event engagement remains strong, with 38% of attendees visiting a company’s website after the event, demonstrating that these events can effectively drive website traffic and increase brand awareness​1​. 

However, the recovery and growth of the trade show industry require sustained investment and strategic adaptations. While optimism surrounds the industry’s trajectory, with expectations that exhibition sales in 2023 will exceed 2019 levels, it’s essential to acknowledge that the industry’s rebound still trails 2019 results by approximately 10%​2​. 

In conclusion, the trade show industry remains an integral part of the business landscape, providing opportunities for businesses to increase their customer base, build their brand, and generate new leads. With a strategic approach that prioritizes attendee needs, leverages the benefits of hybrid events, and harnesses the power of face-to-face interactions, businesses can maximize their return on investment from trade shows and contribute to the industry’s continued growth and success. 

VII. Call to Action 

But why navigate these waters alone? epIQ Creative Group is here to guide you on this journey. With our expertise in attendee acquisition, we can help you unlock your event’s potential. Take the first step towards a successful trade show. Reach out to us today. 


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epIQ Creative Group is a digital marketing agency that specializes in accelerating sales and scaling revenue for businesses. With over a decade of experience, epIQ's expert team ensures your investment yields a substantial return, eliminating guesswork and saving you thousands through data-driven strategies. Our services encompass brand messaging, paid media advertising, inbound marketing, and creative content creation.

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What sets epIQ apart is our flexibility and cost-effectiveness. We offer month-to-month contracts, a-la-carte services, and our team's expertise comes at a fraction of the cost of hiring in-house.

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